Network marketing is a unique business model in which the business markets its product or service through a network of independent contractors or associates. Network marketing is popularly known by many other names such as multi-level marketing or MLM, tiered marketing and affiliate marketing.
This kind of marketing has become very popular on the Internet and if properly planned and executed, it can be hugely successful as well. In fact, there are a few very big companies that depend largely on network marketing for its success. And some of them are Amway Corporation, Tupperware, Mary Kay and Avon.
Network Marketing and the Internet
On the Internet, network marketing is more popularly referred to as affiliate marketing. Hundreds and even thousands of websites welcome affiliates to sign up and offer their products and services. The fact is, no matter how big the business is, it cannot ever reach all its prospective customers. However by hiring many affiliates it can reach many of them. This is why even the largest online stores like Amazon and Ebay hire affiliates who work on commissions for every sale made from their individual websites.
4 Simple Steps to Network Marketing Success
Starting a network marketing or affiliate business is very easy, and it needs very little investment. So this is just ideal for your home business. Just select a niche, find a website asking for affiliates and sign up to start sending traffic and sales from your own website.
Step #1: Many people make the mistake of driving traffic directly to the parent website from a PPC campaign or from a banner advertisement. It would be a better idea if you started a one-page website specifically for the parent business instead. This would be your “capture†page or “landing pageâ€. Such pages are usually visually simple, easy to navigate and more focused. These pages usually convert better too.
Step #2: Offer a free bonus to the visitor from your landing page. Freebies are always highly appreciated and so by doing this, you can capture the attention of your visitor. An online training course, insider secrets, a free report… anything you believe the receiver is going to appreciate. Display the free bonus with its image prominently at the website, and if possible mention this in a sub-headline at the top of the page as well. In exchange for the freeware, you can even ask for the visitor’s name, email address and phone number. By capturing this information, you can make follow-up sales.
Step #3: Once a visitor has opted in to receive the freebie, you should set up an autoresponder, the purpose of which is to follow up with the person from time to time over the next few weeks. Do not be too pushy in the autoresponder message, but do introduce your product, a new ebook or something else at the end of the message.
Step #4: Once you have a network marketing lead do everything you can to ensure that you never loose the person. Keep him/her in the loop always and try to strengthen your bond and brand. Try to get more information about the person like birthday, anniversary, and send your wishes on the big days.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2011
4 steps to build an effective marketing plan with network marketing
6:37 AM