Owning a structured settlement annuity gives you a lot of benefits. Structured settlement payments are advantageous in providing financial security on a long term basis for you and your family and the payments as well as interest earned are free from taxes. In case you need the money for any emergent situations or you find that you can invest this money in a better way you are entitled to do it as per law.
You can sell your structured settlement payments legally in US as per the federal law HR 2884, and this sale can be made without your paying any tax. In addition to federal laws, more than two-thirds of states in the United States allow the sell of structured settlement payments. In both cases, however, the transaction must be approved in court in order to stay tax free.
Selling Your Structured Settlement
It is fairly easy to be approved in court for the sell of all or part of your structured settlement payments, as long as you can prove that there is a need for the money. Your proof will be examined by the judge to find out whether this transaction is in the interest of you and your family.
Any adult with a sound mind can get court approval for selling his structured settlement payments as long as he can prove that he and his family will get benefitted by this transaction. In order to improve the chances of your getting court approval it is advisable for you to attend the court in person on the day of hearing. If you are not approved in court, you can still sell your structured settlement payments.
In all probability, the purchasing company with whom you have been discussing might be willing to purchase your structured settlement payments. They take the responsibility of doing the necessary legal work to ensure that the sale finalized. They will not charge you for this extra effort they have taken for this; however, in the absence of court approval, you are liable to pay taxes on the money you receive.
First, you must get quotes. Getting quotations from a number of companies is advantageous to you because it will give you a chance to select the best among them. In case you find a suitable purchasing company out of the various quotes received, you should send to the purchasing company copies of the structured settlement policy. In return, the purchasing company will send you a disclosure document for your signature. This document explains the conditions of the transaction. It must be singed and returned.
The court hearing will be the next step in this process. This process takes up to 90 days depending on your state of residence as well as your insurance company. After receipt of court approval it takes 10 days to receive your money.
Source : www.metacamp.us/1839/structured-settlements-selling-your-payments
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Structured Settlements - Selling your payments
7:00 AM